Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Class rules everything around me, getcha money, dolla dolla bills, y'all!

There is an opinion, not held very widely, that Shakespeare, were he alive today, would be a rapper. I disagree. Look at this pansy.

The only rapping he would do is of Christmas gifts for his momma [oooh, burn!]. No seriously, I think he would wrap gifts for his mom. Shakespeare the son is little spoken about (as opposed to the playwright, the lover, etc), but I imagine him as quite dutiful. In fact, it's what I like to admire about him the most.

But in terms of deceased social forces that might or might not be rappers, we've got to - we simply must - give it up for Marx and Engels. They are the original OG, NWA, Rage Against the Machine, um...Common? (I think those are all the socially revolutionary rappers I know. Is Rage Against the Machine even rap? I just remember their music as being largely distasteful.) But as if you doubt, check out this little seen portrait.


At 8:54 PM, Blogger gregcondon said...

no doubt, son! with their big beards (and even bigger bling!) Engles and Marx are the shizz for rizz.

Marx even anticipated rapping trends by spelling his name Marx and not 'Marks"


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