Saturday, July 18, 2009

Q: Do you know whose life has virtually nothing in common with my own, and whose telling of that life is like nothing I could ever hope to do?

A: Vladimir Nabokov

So far in his autobiography Speak, Memory, the only thing we share in common is that we both had a mother and father. Other than that, differences abound! As a child his family had over 50 servants. Do you know how many the Dupre family had? None. Do you know how many governesses he had? At least two thus far. How many did I have? Not a one.

"As far back as I remember myself (with interest, with amusement, seldom with admiration or disgust)..."

That's how Nabokov writes about himself, and I love the tone, and his memories from his early life are remarkably distinct. I don't think my memory begins until I was like 5 or 6, and much of what I can recall makes me physically cringe.

But could Nabokov contribute to a music blog? Probably not. And he probably knew that back then. Probably what motivated him.


At 6:04 PM, Blogger Jazione said...

Privat bratan!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Greg Condon said...

don't slag 'em off. Don't slag 'em off.


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