Thoughts from my fleet fingers to your gaping eyeholes
How come everyone's proverbial panties are in a bunch over bullying? I feel like everyday has a new bullying story, and good people in newspapers and on the internet agonize over what they can do about it. Apparently, there's a new movie on the subject out now. Apparently, that movie is called "Bully."
Without wanting to seem too callous, I can't really get behind this anti-bullying zeitgeist. Yeah, bullying's bad. In other news, water is wet.
I think a lot of this story would benefit from being fleshed out by getting the bully's perspective. A movie about bullying that I would really like to see would be something called "Bully for You!: Interviews with 100 Grown-Up Former Bullies and a Look at What They Did with Their Lives." What happens to these deficient, spiteful kids when they become adults? Once a bully always a bully? Do they even recall their behavior as bullying? Do they regret their violence and cruelty? Are they ignorant of the pain they caused due to their own depraved circumstances? Or did they perversely delight in it? Are they all serving prison sentences for battery, or domestic abuse? Or are these gap-toothed, fat-headed kids now sitting at the top of their fields, commandeering boardrooms the nation over, their lust for wedgies replaced only by their lust for profit?
And I suppose the cyber angle brings a new dimension to bullying. The irony of course is that now bullying can be done remotely by the very thin-skinned and even thinner-armed weaselly kids who should probably be getting bullied by some big lugs.
Anyway, I think we know what's to blame for this - e-parenting.